Guillaume Bousquet

Short Biography

I am a Ph.D. student under the supervision of François Faure, in the IMAGINE team (INRIA / LJK – France).


My research focuses on real-time simulation of deformable objects.

– Cutting technic allowing the contact response during the simulation.

– Physical pipeline similar to meshless methods based on deformation energy with rigid frames (or deformable ones by affine or quadratic matrices) as nodes. The displacement field formulation is similar to the skinning (common cinematic animation method extended to dynamic), using linear or dual quaternion blending. The associated shape functions are aware to the material properties, allowing to simulate complex materials (heterogeneous or anisotropic) even with a very sparse frames sampling.


During the 2011-2012 university year at Université Joseph Fourier (UJF) on two topics: introduction to programming languages and web sites creation.


Here is the list of my publications: