
medkit is a Python library for facilitating the extraction of features from various modalities of patient data: text, audio for now – relational, image, genetic, and others soon. To this end, medkit offers to compose pipelines with modules, developed by us, yourself or others.

We pay particular attention to enable the implementation of non-destructive pipelines (no loss of information when passing from a module to another) and a flexible tracing of data provenance.

medkit aims at accelerating the development of a learning health system, with a strong open-source and community orientation.

If you are interested in medkit, or if you want to contribute, please drop us a note at medkit-maintainers at inria dot fr
\ \ medkit GitHub
\ \ medkit documentation.

En octobre 2023, nous avons organisé le 1er Atelier medkit.

medkit is supported by Inria

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