June 21, 2022. Valérie Gilchrist

Title:  An Isogeny-Based Adaptor Signature Using SQISign

Abstract: Transactions on blockchains can prove very costly,
so as a solution to avoid these large costs, schemes involving
payment channel networks have been developed. One approach
to implementing these off-chain forms of payment securely
involves adaptor signatures.

Previous work has established a generic construction of adaptor
signatures using signature schemes that satisfy a couple of key properties.

Unfortunately, not all post-quantum signature schemes satisfy these
properties, meaning more work needs to be done to develop
quantum-safe solutions. We introduce a new post-quantum adaptor
signature that uses SQISign as its underlying signature. SQISign has been
shown to be significantly faster and to require less storage than any other
isogeny-based signature, giving our construction potential for significant
improvements in the way of efficiency. We give the details of the new
scheme and detail how it can be implemented in a blockchain setting.


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