Team members

Associated Team

The EMBRACE (lEveraging huMan Behavior for Resource AlloCation and services orchestration modEls) Associated Team is composed by members of the INFINE Inria Team-Project and by three Brazilian teams from three different Brazilian Universities.

French team:

Brazilian teams:

Main Brazilian Team – Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)

  • Pedro Olmo STANCIOLI VAZ DE MELO, Professor , 2 productivity researcher of CNPq
  • Lucas Santos de Oliveira, PhD student
  • Clayson Sandro Francisco de Sousa Celes, PhD student
  • Fabricio Rodrigues de Souza, PhD student
  • Michael Dougras Silva, Master student
  • Leonardo de Abreu Cotta, undergrad student

Satellite Brazilian Teams

  • Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)

    • Kleber Vieira Cardoso, Professor, principal investigator
    • Vinicius da Cunha Martins Borges, Professor
    • Vinicius Braga, PhD student
    • Rosana Pilar, PhD student
    • Dalton Foltran de Souza, M.Sc. student
    • Leonardo Pereira de Morais, M.Sc. student
    • Hitalo Guerra, undergrad student
    • Marcelo Almeida Silva, undergrad student
  • Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR)

    • Anelise MUNARETO, Professor , 2 productivity researcher of CNPq, principal investigator
    • Mauro FONSECA , Professor , 2 productivity researcher of CNPq
    • Thiago HENRIQUE SILVA, Professor
    • Priscila Louise Leyser Santin, PhD. student
    • Carlos Rafael Guerber, PhD. student
    • Leonardo de Assis, undergrad student

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