
EcoMata is a decision support software for fisheries management. It relies on a symbolic approach for modelling marine ecosystems, using timed automatas. UPPAAL model checker is used for timed properties checking.


With Ecomata we propose a new qualitative approach for ecosystem modeling based on timed automata (TA) formalism combined to a high-level query language for exploring scenarios. EcoMata is a tool-box for modeling and exploring qualitatively trophic-food web using this approach. To date, it is dedicated to ecosystems that can be modeled as a collection of species (prey-predator systems) under various human pressures and subject to environmental disturbances. This tool is made of two main parts: the Network Editor and the Query Launcher.

  1. The Network Editor let a stakeholder describe the trophic food web in a graphical way (using species icons and adding interactions between them). Only few ecological parameters are required and users can save species in a library. The number of qualitative biomass levels is set as desired. An efficient algorithm automatically generates the network of timed automatas. EcoMata also provides a dedicated window to help the user to define different fishing pressures, using chronograms.
  2. In the Query Launcher, the user selects the kind of query and the needed parameters (for example the species biomass levels to define a situation). Results are provided in a control panel or in files.

Several additional features are proposed in EcoMata: building a species library, import/export of ecosystem model, batch processing for long queries, etc.
Species Species2 Queries Queries2


EcoMata was developed in Java at AGROCAMPUS OUEST and is free for any purpose of use. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Click here to download Linux and Windows binaries or Mac OS binaries.
EcoMata requieres a Java virtual machine and UPPAAL model checker from Uppsala Aalborg university.



Christine Largouët
Equipe-projet Dream IRISA/INRIA
Campus de Beaulieu
F-35042 RENNES Cedex, France

Yulong Zhao
MediCIS – LTSI – Inserm UMR 1099 – Université de Rennes 1
Faculté de Médecine, 2 Avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard
F-35043 Rennes Cedex, France