Fanny Dufossé joins DataMove
Fanny Dufossé, INRIA Research Scientist, is joining the DataMove team. Welcome to DataMove ! Fanny Dufossé
Best Paper and Best Student Paper Nominee at Supercomputing 2017
DataMove at SuperComputing 2017 @ Denver
DataMove will present 2 full papers at SC’17: Melissa: Large Scale In Transit Global Sensitivity Analysis Avoiding Intermediate Files Obtaining Dynamic Scheduling Policies with Simulation and Machine Learning
2017/2018 Internships
New internship offers @ DataMove
ANR Greco accepté
Le projet ANR Greco a été acceptée: “Gestion de ressources pour cloud privé”
Visit of Thang N’Guyen
Thang N’Guyen, from Evry University will visit us for 3 days, from December, 5-7th 2016.
New release of OAR: 2.5.7
New release of OAR 2.5.6, distributed in Debian
Pierre-François Dutot’s AGIR project accepted
Pole MSTIC of UGA accepted to fund Pierre-François Dutot’s AGIR project: Scientific Workflows Management Systems Simulation.