This Julia package aims at performing automatic bifurcation analysis of possibly large dimensional equations function of a real parameter by taking advantage of iterative methods, dense / sparse formulation and specific hardware (e.g. GPU).
It incorporates continuation algorithms (PALC, deflated continuation, …) based on a Newton-Krylov method to correct the predictor step and a Matrix-Free/Dense/Sparse eigensolver is used to compute stability and bifurcation points.
The package can also seek for periodic orbits of Cauchy problems. It is by now one of the few software programs which provide shooting methods and methods based on finite differences or collocation to compute periodic orbits.
The current package focuses on large-scale, multi-hardware nonlinear problems and is able to use both Matrix and Matrix Free methods on GPU.
The package performance (4x faster) was improved with a new method for solving the linear problem of the collocation approximation of periodic orbits.
A new plotting backend for Makie.jl has been added.
Additionally, a package MultiParamContinuation.jl has been added to the
github organisation bifurcationkit. It allows computations of zeros of functional as function of two parameters instead of one in BifurcationKit.jl.
- Romain Veltz. BifurcationKit.jl. 2020, ⟨swh:1:dir:257669cd4bf202bc8393a4efa22bfe5f6f517b03;origin=https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02902346;visit=swh:1:snp:73c1c5e9525b1b9b09b8a79ca056057fcb26b8a9;anchor=swh:1:rev:31bea805201b64435aa28e4d036e156ab189c3d5;path=/⟩. ⟨hal-02902346⟩
Romain Veltz (Romain.Veltz@inria.fr)
Romain Veltz (Romain.Veltz@inria.fr)
OpenMEEG provides a symmetric boundary element method (BEM) implementation for solving the forward problem of electromagnetic propagation over heterogeneous media made of several domains of homogeneous and isotropic conductivities. OpenMEEG works for the quasistatic regime (frequencies < 100Hz and medium diameter < 1m).
OpenMEEG provides state-of-the art tools for modelling bio-electromagnetic propagation in the quasi-static regime. It is based on the symmetric BEM for the EEG/MEG forward problem, with a distributed source model. OpenMEEG has also been used to model the forward problem of ECoG, for modelling nerves or the cochlea. OpenMEEG is a free, open software written in C++ with python bindings. OpenMEEG is used through a command line interface, but is also interfaced in graphical interfaces such as BrainStorm, FieldTrip or SPM.
OpenMEEG has had a large update including notably the parallelisation of some operators and bug corrections. The new version allows in addition the use of non-nested domains.
Alexandre Gramfort (Alexandre.Gramfort@inria.fr), Emmanuel Olivi, Geoffray Adde, Jan Kybic, Kai Dang, Maureen Clerc Gallagher (Maureen.Clerc@inria.fr), Perrine Landreau, Renaud Keriven, Théodore Papadopoulo (Theodore.Papadopoulo@inria.fr)
Théodore Papadopoulo (Theodore.Papadopoulo@sophia.inria.fr)
BCI-VIZAPP is a software suite for designing real-time EEG applications such as BCIs or neurofeedback applications. It has been been developed to build a virtual keyboard for typing text and a photodiode monitoring application for checking timing issues, but can now be also used in other tasks such as EEG monitoring. Originally, it was designed to delegate signal acquisition and processing to OpenViBE but has recently been extended to get some of these capabilities. This allows for more integrated and robust applications but also opens up new algorithmic opportunities, such as real time parameter modification, more controlled interfaces,~\ldots
Bci-Vizapp has been enriched with numerous features, notably to read and save certain files created with OpenViBE or with MNE-python, thus allowing an easier communication with them. Bci-Vizapp is also the software base used (or which we aim to use it in the long term) for different contracts (Demagus, EPIFEED, EPINFB, Techicopa and ConnectTC) and has integrated different elements to support them.
Nathanaël Foy (nathanael.foy@inria.fr), Romain Lacroix (romain.lacroix@inria.fr), Maureen Clerc Gallagher (Maureen.Clerc@inria.fr), Théodore Papadopoulo (Theodore.Papadopoulo@inria.fr), Yang Ji (yang.ji@inria.fr), Come Le Breton (come.le-breton@inria.fr)
Théodore Papadopoulo (theodore.papadopoulo@inria.fr)