Category: Uncategorized
Damiano’s interview on the INSPIRE project
Read Damiano’s interview on the in silico safety pharmacology challenges faced within the EU INSPIRE project.
IMFIBIO associated team funded!
The IMFIBIO associated team with the UCL Mathematics Department has been selected for funded at Inria. Congrats Muriel Boulakia and Erik Burman!
COMMEDIA is born!
Project-team COMMEDIA was officially created on June 1st, 2019.
Damiano’s interview on the INSPIRE project
Read Damiano’s interview on the in silico safety pharmacology challenges faced within the EU INSPIRE project.
IMFIBIO associated team funded!
The IMFIBIO associated team with the UCL Mathematics Department has been selected for funded at Inria. Congrats Muriel Boulakia and Erik Burman!
COMMEDIA is born!
Project-team COMMEDIA was officially created on June 1st, 2019.