Team presentation
The overall objective of CHROMA is to address fundamental and open issues that lie at the intersection of the emerging research fields called “Human Centered Robotics”, “Multi-Robot Systems” and “AI for humanity”. Their goal is to design algorithms that allow autonomous agents to perceive, decide, learn, and finally adapt to their environment. Their approach for addressing this challenge is to bring together probabilistic methods, machine learning, planning techniques, multi-agent decision making, and constrained optimisation tools. This is done in cooperation with other disciplines such as sociology for the purpose of taking into account human models, or physics to consider self-organized systems. Two main themes are addressed : i) Perception and situation awareness in human-populated environment, by focusing on bayesian perception and sensor fusion, ii) Decision making for single and multi-robot systems.
The Chroma team is also concerned with applications and transfer of the scientific results. We work with industrial and start-up partners. Our main application domains concern autonomous vehicle driving (with Renault and Toyota), aerial robots for exploration tasks, and services robotics.
Keywords: Mobile Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Decision Making, Planning, Perception, Muli-Agent Systems, Bayesian programming, Space-time reasoning, Bio-inspiration, Simulation