
Modelling and analysis

  • Fluid closure in plasmas: Modelling and numerical studies of closure relations: Branginskii, limited flux, non-local closure
  • Turbulence: Large scale simulation (LES), variational multiscale, entropy viscosity, spectral vanishing viscosity
  • Other models: Drift velocity approximation, Reduced MHD
  • Coupling Equilibrium and Transport: 2D-Equilibrium + 1D Transport coupling
  • Halo currents: 3D current in the resistive wall in case of disruption

Numerical methods and simulations

  • High order methods: Curvilinear spectal methods, high order finite element methods, C1 methods
  • Toroidal geometry, discretization methods in curvilinear coordinates
  • Pressure correction scheme:Adaptation of methods usually used  for incompressible flow approximation
  • Anisotropy: Anisotropic mesh adaptation, adapted discretization (maximum principle)
  • HPC: ITER diameter: 4m, Larmor radius of ions  : 1e-3 m

Identification and control

  • Inverse problems: Real time equilibrium reconstruction with  pressure anisotropy and new diagnostics
  • Open loop control:Determination of the voltages and heating parameters determination to optimize a discharge
  • Feedback control of the plasma current profile



  • ELMs (Edge Localized Modes)
  • Edge plasma: X-point configuration and bi-fluids models
  • Optimization of scenarii: Free boundary equilibrium evolution coupled with transport
  • Ionospheric plasma: Data assimilation for a coupled transport+ electric potential model