Ongoing Projects

AI-HAND – EIC Pathfinder 2023-206


AGILIS project – EIT Health 2019-2020
Restoration of Hand Functions in Low Tetraplegia through Selective Neural Electrical Stimulation

AeX HumanLabInria
We wish to contribute to meet the needs expressed by individuals with disabilities within the framework of the Humanlabs network. Our action is in line with the frugal innovation approach and aims to implement the scientific and technological know-how of the CAMIN team and the SED department in Grenoble in order to meet, along the way, the needs for developments intended for people with disabilities….

Associate team BreI-Mapping

Fondation ARC « Electrophysiologie évoquée dans le cerveau atteint pour guider la chirurgie des tumeurs ».

Design and evaluation of a tangible and haptic BCI for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke – GRASP-IT

H2020-MSCA-IF-2019 Neuroprosthesi-UI
Neuroprosthetic devices employ electrodes to interface with the nervous system and attempt to restore loss of function or movement. This project is developing a user interface that will allow people with upper limb disabilities to control neuroprostheses using residual motor skills, such as residual movements or muscle activity. This interface will comprise different sensors to capture movement and muscle contraction, and with the help of machine learning, it will decode user input into movement intention. The system will assist patients with upper limb disabilities such as spinal cord injury, stroke and multiple sclerosis in performing activities of daily life independently

unctional stimulation system for rehabilitation of gait and driving neural plasticity after spinal cord injury using graphene based nerve electrodes

Associate team CACAO
collaboration with University of Brasilia on lower limb assistance

Freewheels project
Our FES-cycling adventures

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