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Publications HAL du labo/EPI cagire

Generation of turbulent structures for CELES (continuous embedded LES)
Remi Manceau, Mahitosh Mehta, Martin David, Puneeth Bikkanahally
A turbulence day in celebration of the career of Jean-Paul Bonnet, Institute PPrime, Jun 2024, Poitiers, France
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A curl preserving finite volume scheme by space velocity enrichment. Application to the low Mach number accuracy problem
Jonathan Jung, Vincent Perrier
Journal of Computational Physics, 2024, 515, pp.113252. ⟨10.1016/⟩
In this article, we address the problem of accuracy of finite volume schemes in the low Mach number limit. It has been known for years that collocated finite volume schemes are naturally correctly behaving in this limit on triangular meshes [20, 21, 15], but fail in general on other types of mesh. We are first interested in the general problem of the conservation of vorticity for the wave system. By enriching the approximation space for vectors, we prove that the Hodge-Helmholtz context developed for triangular meshes in [15] can be recovered in the quadrangular mesh case. This leads to a numerical scheme for the wave system that naturally preserves the vorticity under mild assumption on the numerical flux. The new approximation space is then used with the barotropic Euler system. Numerical tests show that the new numerical scheme is accurate for both steady and acoustic problems at low Mach number.
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Discontinuous Galerkin methods for axisymmetric flows
Anthony Bosco, Vincent Perrier
Computers and Fluids, 2024, 270, pp.106139. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2023.106139⟩
In this article, high order discontinuous Galerkin methods for axisymmetric flows are developed. A first work is performed to put the equations in a so called canonical form to gather terms of similar nature, and also for ensuring the three dimensional conservativity. Then the numerical scheme is developed. Instead of relying on the strong axisymmetric formulation, we rely on the -averaged form of the standard three-dimensional discontinuous Galerkin method for the Navier–Stokes system. This allows to derive a numerical scheme without ambiguity on the source terms. The numerical scheme is new and makes link between different formulations previously proposed. A wide and progressive set of test cases, especially designed for axisymmetric problems is proposed. The numerical scheme is tested using these cases and the optimal order of accuracy is obtained.
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Behavior of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Compressible Flows at Low Mach Number on Triangles and Tetrahedrons
Jonathan Jung, Vincent Perrier
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2024, 46 (1), pp.A452-A482. ⟨10.1137/23M154755X⟩
In this article, we are interested in the behavior of discontinuous Galerkin schemes for compressible flows in the low Mach number limit. We prove that for any numerical flux conserving exactly contacts (e.g., exact Godunov, Roe, HLLC), the numerical scheme is accurate at low Mach number flows on simplicial meshes, which is an extension to higher order of the result proven in [H. Guillard, Comput. Fluids, 38 (2009), pp. 1969–1972]. When the mesh is not simplicial, or when the mesh is simplicial but the numerical flux does not conserve contacts (e.g., Lax-Friedrich, HLL), the scheme is numerically proven to be less accurate in the low Mach number limit.
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Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows using the SST-SAS Model
Mauro Grioni, Sergio Elaskar, Pascal Bruel, Anibal Mirasso
WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 19, pp.24 – 39. ⟨10.37394/232013.2024.19.3⟩
Turbulent flows play a crucial role in various engineering and scientific applications, and the accurate prediction of these flows remains a challenging task. This review explores the application of the Shear Stress Transport Scale-Adaptive Simulation (SST-SAS) turbulence model for solving incompressible turbulent flows, with a specific focus on unsteady wakes behind bluff bodies. Providing a concise overview of the model’s formulation and its advantages, this article highlights the efficacy of the SST-SAS model in simulating the intricate dynamics in different configurations of circular cylinders. The present study affirms that the SST-SAS model can be considered a highly viable alternative for simulating unsteady flows around bluff bodies due to the good predictive quality of the resulting simulations.
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Dynamics of turbulent natural convection in a cubic cavity with centrally placed partially heated inner obstacle
Sofen Kumar Jena, Remi Manceau
Physics of Fluids, 2024, 38 (8), ⟨10.1063/5.0222258⟩
Natural convection in a cavity with a partially heated obstacle at the centre at the Rayleigh number Ra = 1.46 × 10 9 is investigated using large-eddy simulation (LES). The standard and dynamic Smagorinsky models, as well as the Wall adapting local eddy-viscosity (WALE) model, are used for the sub-grid scales, and the flow statistics are compared with recent experiments. The LES results obtained with different meshes show overall good agreement with the experiments as concerns the flow and heat transfer. Simulation with a non-ideal wall at the adiabatic side of the obstacle is also performed to explain the residual discrepancies observed in the unheated channel. Additional simulations performed with periodic conditions in the spanwise direction are very different from the full three-dimensional (3D) simulations, which demonstrates the significance of 3D effects in the cavity. In particular, periodic simulations show Tollmien-Schlichting kind waves in the transitional region, while the 3D cavity shows an early cross-flow transition to turbulence.
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On the convergence of Godunov scheme with a centered discretization of the pressure gradient
Jonathan Jung, Ibtissem Lannabi, Vincent Perrier
FVCA X 2023 – Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X, Oct 2023, Strasbourg, France
This paper deals with the numerical resolution of a linear wave system using the Godunov scheme with a centered discretization of the pressure gradient. The interest in such schemes is motivated by the low Mach number accuracy problem. We have shown that for both steady and unsteady flows, an oscillatory mode appears in the numerical solution. This can be explained by the loss of the Total Variation Diminishing property on the characteristic variables. Moreover, we have illustrated numerically that the long time numerical solution does not converge to the expected steady state. In addition, the existence of the oscillatory mode in the numerical solution jeopardizes the mesh convergence rate of the scheme.
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Towards self-adaptivity in hybrid RANS/LES based on physical criteria
Martin David, Mahitosh Mehta, Remi Manceau
THMT 2023 – 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, ICHMT, Sep 2023, Rome, Italy. ⟨10.1615/thmt-23.520⟩
Hybrid RANS/LES methods can produce more reliable results than RANS with a reasonable computational cost. Thus, they have the potential to become the next workhorse in the industry. However, in continuous approaches, the location of the switching between the RANS and LES modes is based on the mesh and have a significant impact on the results. The present paper aims at developing a self-adaptive strategy based on physical criteria to mitigate the influence of the user’s meshing choices on the results. The method is applied to the backward-facing step with the Hybrid Temporal LES (HTLES) model, but is applicable to any other hybrid approach. Starting from a RANS computation for initialization, successive HTLES are carried out and the mesh is refined according to the criteria. The results obtained show that the method converges and significantly improves the results when compared to RANS, with no intervention from the user. The comparison of the results with the DNS is very encouraging.
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Conjugate heat transfer with different fluid-solid physical properties: a differential flux model based on elliptic blending
Jean-François Wald, Gaëtan Mangeon, Sofiane Benhamadouche, Remi Manceau, Cédric Flageul
THMT 2023 – 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Sep 2023, Rome, Italy. ⟨10.1615/thmt-23.1050⟩
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Grey area mitigation in hybrid RANS/LES by means of volume forcing
Mahitosh Mehta, Remi Manceau
THMT 2023 – 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Sep 2023, Rome, Italy. ⟨10.1615/ichmt.thmt-23.510⟩
The modeled-stress depletion is observed when the fluid flows from a RANS to a LES zone in hybrid modeling due to the dramatic decrease of the modeled stresses and the too slow increase of the resolved stresses. With the aim of developing a general remedy, independent of the type of flow, the present work develops an active approach, which consists in injecting energy in the resolved part to compensate for the loss of energy in the modelled part. Very encouraging results are obtained for channel and periodic hill flows.
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High order Flux Reconstruction schemes for turbulent flows and spectral analysis
Romaric Simo-Tamou, Julien Bohbot, Julien Coatléven, Vincent Perrier, Quang Huy Tran
ICIAM 2023 – 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Aug 2023, Tokyo, Japan
This study focuses on evaluating Flux Reconstruction schemes for turbulent flows. For these schemes, we perform new analyses of their dissipation and dispersion properties, and we find consistent results with the classical analysis. Ultimately, we evaluate the effect of the high order and correction functions on the DNS of Taylor-Green vortex. This work provides valuable insights into the performance of FR schemes for turbulent flows and presents a promising new approach for analyzing their stability.
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CFD study of thermocline formation in stratified water storage: Consideration of a second-order Boussinesq approximation to model buoyancy effects and its application to assess the impact of operating conditions
Alexis Ferre, Jérôme Pouvreau, Sylvain Serra, Remi Manceau, Arnaud Bruch
Proceedings of the 17th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-17 14 – 18 August 2023, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug 2023, Cape Town, South Africa
Thermal storages are components used in energy systems, such as district heating networks or thermal power plants, in order to decouple the supply of heat from its use. Usage rate of monophasic thermocline storages is highly dependent on the thermal gradient zone inside the fluid, also named thermocline. While thermal stratification results of a formation phase followed by a degradation phase, the early stages of thermocline establishment is primarily responsible for its thickness. CFD allow to consider the multiple physical phenomena involved during the thermocline formation, in particular the buoyancy effects. These effects are usually considered by selecting either a variable density with respect to the temperature or a constant one by using the commonly used (first-order) Boussinesq approximation. However, the former approach implies an increased computational cost, and the latter is only valid for an unclear validity range of temperature difference. Hence, this article suggests the use of a second-order Boussinesq approximation, coupled with a RANS turbulence approach, to better account for buoyancy effects in a turbulent water flow submitted to a large temperature differences. CFD results obtained with a quadratic Boussinesq approximation are similar to the one obtained with a variable density but with a computation time reduced by half. This approach is applied to the issue of reducing the thermocline thickness during its creation and the impact of linear flow rate ramps is assessed on both a uniform and initially stratified storage. On an initially cold tank, results show that the longer the ramp time, the thinner the thermocline. In contrast, on the initially stratified tank tested, a gradual injection shows no significant reduction of the thermocline thickness. This can be relevant when performing storage management enhancement.
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Extension of an all-Mach Roe scheme able to deal with low Mach acoustics to full Euler system
Thomas Galié, Jonathan Jung, Ibtissem Lannabi, Vincent Perrier
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, In press
We propose to extend the fix of Roe’s approximate Riemann solver developed for the Barotropic Euler equations in [2] to the full Euler equations. This scheme is built mainly to handle low Mach acoustic waves. Moreover, compared to pressure-centered type schemes, this numerical fix has the advantage of improving the numerical solution in the sense that the oscillating modes are reduced. The theoretical study is based on a two-time scales asymptotic analysis. It is proved that the Euler system equipped with a general equation of state is consistent with a first-order wave system in a low Mach number regime. Similar analysis is performed at the discrete level on the Roe scheme to derive the new fix. Numerical tests confirm the results obtained for the Barotropic case about the ability of this fix to deal with both steady and low Mach acoustic computations also in the case of full Euler equations.
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Modélisation de la turbulence en convection naturelle (conférence introductive)
Remi Manceau
Journées thématiques de la SFT. Convection naturelle : aspects fondamentaux et applications, Jul 2023, Orsay, France
La modélisation de la turbulence en convection naturelle est un problème à la fois difficile et important au regard des enjeux industriels et environnementaux. La flottabilité couple fortement la dynamique et la thermique et a une influence sur la plupart des termes à modéliser qui est souvent mal connue ou comprise expérimentalement. Si la modélisation au second ordre permet de prendre en compte en partie la subtilité des interactions complexes en jeu, de nombreuses questions restent ouvertes sur les échelles de temps ou la dissipation, par exemple. De nombreuses applications industrielles se basent sur des modèles à viscosité turbulente et corrigent les modèles artificiellement en diminuant le nombre de Prandtl turbulent. Une manière plus physique de procéder consiste à prendre en compte la production par la flottabilité dans la loi de comportement. Ce type de modifications, applicables aux modèles RANS et hybride RANS/LES, permettent d’améliorer la représentation de la physique dans certaines configurations non-stratifiées, mais leur influence reste marginale dans d’autre configurations. Un des problèmes non-résolus est la cohabitation de régions laminaires et turbulentes, la transition dans les couches limites en convection naturelle restant globalement un sujet complètement ouvert en modélisation.
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Link between the low Mach number accuracy problem and the solution of a wave system
Jonathan Jung, Ibtissem Lannabi, Vincent Perrier
NUMHYP 2023 – Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, Jun 2023, Bordeaux, France
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Geometry effects on the droplet shock-induced cavitation
Kevin Schmidmayer, Luc Biasiori-Poulanges
Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35 (6), pp.063315. ⟨10.1063/5.0151404⟩
Assessment of geometry effects affecting shock-induced cavitation within a droplet is investigated for the first time. To do this, we use a thermodynamically well-posed multiphase numerical model accounting for phase compression and expansion, which relies on a finite pressure-relaxation rate formulation and which allow for heterogeneous nucleation. These geometry effects include the shape of the transmitted wave front, which is related to the shock speed to droplet sound speed ratio, and the droplet geometry (cylindrical versus spherical). Phenomenological differences between the column and the droplet configurations are presented. In addition, the critical Mach number for cavitation appearance is determined for both cases: between M = 1.8 and M = 2 for the column, and between M = 2 and M = 2.2 for the droplet. Based on the transmitted wavefront geometry, with Mach number varying from 1.6 to 6, two cavitation regimes have been identified and the transition has been characterised: an exponentially (M < 4.38) and a linearly (M > 4.38) increasing bubble-cloud volume. On more applied aspects, we also investigate the influence of the bubble cloud on the interface disruption and compare the results against the pure liquid droplet test case. A parallel with the technique of effervescent atomization is eventually presented.
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Ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes de hombre pobre applicadas a llamas premezcladas
Sergio Elaskar, Pascal Bruel
MACI 2023 – IX Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial, IMAL; CIMEC; Sinc(i); Dpto. de Matematica, UNL.; AR-SIAM; ASAMACI, May 2023, Santa Fe, Argentina
Se deducen las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes de hombre pobre para llamas premezcladas usando un modelo fisico basado en las ecuaciones de conservacion de masa, cantidad de movimiento y de una variable que mide el progreso de la combustion. Para obtener estas ecuaciones, se asume una representacion de Fourier de las variables y luego se implementa el procedimiento de Galerkin. El resultado es un sistema dinamico discreto en 4D.
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Analysis of the Reynolds stress tensor for unsteady flows in URANS models
Mauro Grioni, Sergio Elaskar, Pascal Bruel, Anibal Mirasso
MACI 2023 – IX Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial, IMAL; CIMEC; Sinc(i); Dpto. de Matemática, UNL.; AR-SIAM; ASAMACI, May 2023, Santa Fe, Argentina
The present work analyzes the Reynolds stress tensor for unsteady URANS models through the use of the triple decomposition of the instantaneous velocity field. To that end, we assessed the performance of two turbulence models, the SST and SST-SAS, in the turbulent flow over a 3D tube bundle as a test case. Our simulation results are compared with available results using RSM models taken from the literature. It was found that a substantial amount of the resolved motion contributes to the total velocity correlations. The SST-SAS model featured a remarkably greater contribution of the resolved part over the modeled part in comparison with the other URANS models.
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Variational Formulation of Wall Boundary Conditions of RANS Models in a Discontinuous Galerkin Framework
Anthony Bosco, Vincent Perrier, Jonathan Jung
CFC 2023 – 22nd Computational Fluids Conference, IACM, Apr 2023, Cannes, France
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Derivation of fully closed two-phase models of Baer-and-Nunziato type
Vincent Perrier
The 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Apr 2023, Kobe, Japan
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On bubble cloud growth in shock-droplet interaction
Kevin Schmidmayer, Luc Biasiori-Poulanges
ICMF 2023 – 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Apr 2023, Kobe, Japan
Investigations of shock-induced cavitation is highly challenged by the multiphase nature of the mechanisms involved. Thermodynamically well-posed multiphase numerical models accouting for phase compression and expansion however allow to elucidate the underlying physics. A description of the bubble cloud growth and its effects on the early droplet dynamics is proposed, as well as a critical discussion on the analytical predictions of the cavitation event previously reported.
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On low Mach number fixes for Roe-type schemes
Jonathan Jung, Ibtissem Lannabi, Vincent Perrier
CEA-SMAI/GAMNI – 35ème Séminaire sur la mécanique des fluides numérique, Jan 2023, Paris, France
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MONACO_2025: Modelling natural convection: A Challenge for the Full Digital 2025 Ambition
Remi Manceau
17th ERCOFTAC SIG15/MONACO_2025 workshop: Turbulent natural convection flows in differentially heated cavities, Jan 2023, Pau, France
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Development and Validation of a new formulation of Hybrid Temporal Large-Eddy Simulation
Vladimir Duffal, Remi Manceau, Benoit de Laage de Meux
17th ERCOFTAC SIG15/MONACO2025 workshop: Turbulent natural convection flows in differentially heated cavities, Jan 2023, Pau, France
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Modelling turbulent flows in the natural convection regime using hybrid RANS-LES approaches
Puneeth Bikkanahally, Remi Manceau
17th ERCOFTAC SIG15/MONACO2025 workshop: Turbulent natural convection flows in differentially heated cavities, Jan 2023, Pau, France
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Comparison of turbulence models for the case of a differentially heated square cavity
Remi Manceau
17th ERCOFTAC SIG15/MONACO2025 workshop: Turbulent natural convection flows in differentially heated cavities, Jan 2023, Pau, France
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Cubic cavity with centrally placed partially heated inner obstacle: evaluation of the turbulence models
Remi Manceau
17th ERCOFTAC SIG15/MONACO2025 workshop: Turbulent natural convection flows in differentially heated cavities, Jan 2023, Pau, France
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A phenomenological analysis of droplet shock-induced cavitation using a multiphase modelling approach
Luc Biasiori-Poulanges, Kevin Schmidmayer
Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, pp.013312. ⟨10.1063/5.0127105⟩
Investigations of shock-induced cavitation within a droplet is highly challenged by the multiphase nature of the mechanisms involved. Within the context of heterogeneous nucleation, we introduce a thermodynamically well-posed multiphase numerical model accounting for phase compression and expansion, which relies on a finite pressure-relaxation rate formulation. We simulate (i) the spherical collapse of a bubble in a free field, (ii) the interaction of a cylindrical water droplet with a planar shock wave, and (iii) the high-speed impact of a gelatin droplet onto a solid surface. The determination of the finite pressure-relaxation rate is done by comparing the numerical results with the Keller-Miksis model, and the corresponding experiments of Sembian et al. and Field, Dear, and Ogren, respectively. For the latter two, the pressure-relaxation rate is found to be µ = 3.5 and µ = 0.5, respectively. Upon validation of the determined pressure-relaxation rate, we run parametric simulations to elucidate the critical Mach number from which cavitation is likely to occur. Complementing simulations with a geometrical acoustic model, we provide a phenomenological description of the shock-induced cavitation within a droplet, as well as a discussion on the bubble-cloud growth effect on the droplet flow field. The usual prediction of the bubble cloud center, given in the literature, is eventually modified to account for the expansion wave magnitude.
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Droplet shock-induced cavitation using a multiphase modelling approach
Kevin Schmidmayer
LMAP seminar, Jan 2023, Pau, France
Investigations of shock-induced cavitation within a droplet is highly challenged by the multiphase nature of the mechanisms involved. Within the context of heterogeneous nucleation, we introduce a thermodynamically well-posed multiphase numerical model accounting for phase compression and expansion, which relies on a finite pressure-relaxation rate formulation. We simulate the interaction of a cylindrical water droplet with a planar shock wave, and the high-speed impact of a gelatin droplet onto a solid surface. The determination of the finite pressure-relaxation rate is done by comparing the numerical results with the corresponding experiments of Sembian et al. (2016) and Field et al. (1989), respectively. Upon validation of the determined pressure-relaxation rate, we run parametric simulations to elucidate the critical Mach number from which cavitation is likely to occur. Complementing simulations with a geometrical acoustic model, we provide a phenomenological description of the shockinduced cavitation within a droplet, as well as a discussion on the bubble-cloud growth effect on the droplet flow field. The modelling used is implemented in the open-source software ECOGEN which will be briefly presented.
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Long time behavior of finite volume discretization of symmetrizable linear hyperbolic systems
Jonathan Jung, Vincent Perrier
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2023, 43 (1), pp.326-356. ⟨10.1093/imanum/drab092⟩
This article is dedicated to the long time behavior of a finite volume approximation of general symmetrizable linear hyperbolic system on a bounded domain. In the continuous case this problem is very difficult, and the $\omega $–limit set (namely the set of all the possible long time limits) may be large and complicated to depict if no dissipation is introduced. In this article we prove that in general, with a stable finite volume scheme, the discrete solution converges to a steady state when the time goes to infinity. This property is a direct consequence of the numerical dissipation mechanisms used for stabilizing the discretization. We apply this result for determining the long time limit for several stabilizations of the wave system, and perform a formal link with the low Mach number problem of the nonlinear Euler system. Numerical experiments with the wave system are performed for confirming the theoretical results obtained.
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An active hybrid Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes/Large Eddy Simulation approach for grey area mitigation
Mahitosh Mehta, Remi Manceau, Vladimir Duffal, Benoit de Laage de Meux
Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, ⟨10.1063/5.0174381⟩
During the transition from the RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes) mode to the LES (Large Eddy Simulation) mode, i.e., in the so-called grey area, continuous hybrid RANS/LES approaches suffer from the well-known problem of excessively slow generation of resolved structures. Indeed, when the mesh is refined in the direction of the flow, the model is designed to reduce the modeled energy, but there is no mechanism to transfer the equivalent amount of energy into the resolved motion. Hence, the total turbulent energy and turbulent stresses are underestimated, which strongly affects the prediction of the mean flow. This also constitutes a violation of the conservation of mechanical energy, which can only be corrected by an active approach, i.e., an approach that allows the injection of resolved energy. The aim of this work is to develop such an active approach based on the introduction of a fluctuating volume force into the resolved momentum equation, similar to the anisotropic linear forcing (ALF) method proposed previously. The major difference with ALF is that the new method does not require target statistics obtained by a RANS computation, but is based on a simple analysis of the rate of energy transfer related to variations in resolution, enabling the forcing to be extended to continuous hybrid RANS/LES. Application of the new method to the cases of a channel with or without periodic constriction shows a drastic improvement over the case without forcing. Although the method is applied herein to a particular hybrid RANS/LES approach (HTLES, hybrid temporal LES), it can easily be extended to any other approach, as long as a parameter identifies variations in resolution, and thus offers vast application prospects.
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Droplet shock-induced cavitation using a multiphase modelling approach
Kevin Schmidmayer
Sorbonne University Seminar, Pierre and Marie Curie Campus, Institut Jean le Rond d’Alembert, Dec 2022, Paris, France
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Méthodes numérique d’ordre élevé pour la turbulence.
Anthony Bosco, Vincent Perrier
Journée du LRC Anabase avec MARGAUx, Dec 2022, Talence, France
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Numerical simulation of a turbulent natural convection flow in a cubic cavity with centrally placed partially heated inner obstacle
Sofen Kumar Jena, Puneeth Bikkanahally, Remi Manceau
3rd high-fidelity industrial LES/DNS symp. (HiFiLeD), Dec 2022, Brussels, Belgium
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An active hybrid RANS/LES approach for grey area mitigation
Mahitosh Mehta, Remi Manceau, Vladimir Duffal, Benoit de Laage de Meux
DLES13 – Direct and Large Eddy Simulation, Oct 2022, Udine, Italy
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Modélisation des effets de giration pour les jets en écoulement transverse
Franck Mastrippolito, Remi Manceau, Pascal Bruel
Journée thématique SFT : Aérothermique des systèmes propulsifs pour l’aéronautique, Oct 2022, Paris, France
Représenter l’influence de l’angle de giration entre les jets débouchant et la couche limite incidente est un défi pour la modélisation RANS de la turbulence. Le développement de méthodes basées sur la modélisation au second ordre (EB-RSM) est présenté et les résultats comparés aux données expérimentales. Des résultats préliminaires utilisant une méthode hybride RANS/LES (HTLES) sont également présentés.
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Comparación de algoritmos de acoplamiento velocidad-presión para problemás no estacionarios del flujo alrededor de un cilindro circular
Mauro Grioni, Sergio Elaskar, Pascal Bruel, Anibal Mirasso
ARGENCON 2022 – IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, Sep 2022, San Juan, Argentina. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/ARGENCON55245.2022.9939984⟩
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Modeling and simulation of bubble dynamics in the diffuse-interface framework
Kevin Schmidmayer
ETH Zürich seminar, Aug 2022, Zürich, Switzerland
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A multiscale numerical scheme for the simulation of dispersed multiphase flows
Vincent Perrier, Kevin Schmidmayer
MultiMat 2022 – 10th International Conference on Numerical Methods for Multi-Material Fluid Flow, Aug 2022, Zürich, Switzerland
The aim of this talk is to derive both a model and a numerical scheme for the approximation of multiphase models of Baer & Nunziato types[2, 7]. Such models are averaged models, able to both model interface flows and well mixed flows. They can be obtained by averaging Euler models following ideas developed in [3]. A new averaging method was developed in [5], based on an explicit stochastic model. We will show that the multiscale model obtained contains several known models in some limits (e.g. nonconservative and relaxation terms of [7, 5]), and also that it ensures in general all phasic entropy inequalities. Then, we will also show that the same method can be applied at the discrete level for deriving a numerical scheme, based on the ideas of [1, 4]. This numerical scheme will be proven to ensure also positivity and all the entropy inequalities under CFL conditions that can be explicitly derived. As the model, the numerical scheme is multiscale in the sense that it depends on a parameter modeling the local topology of the flow. Last, a simple model for the topological parameter will be discretized, and numerical results with this micro-macro model will be presented.
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Modelling interactions of waves with diffused interfaces
Kevin Schmidmayer, Joris Cazé, Fabien Petitpas, Eric Daniel, Nicolas Favrie
MultiMat 2022 – 10th International Conference on Numerical Methods for Multi-Material Fluid Flow, Aug 2022, Zürich, Switzerland
When simulating multiphase compressible flows using the diffuse-interface methods, the test cases presented in the literature to validate the modellings with regard to interface problems are always textbook cases: interfaces are sharp and the simulations therefore easily converge to the exact solutions. In real problems, it is rather different because the waves encounter moving interfaces which consequently have already undergone the effects of numerical diffusion. Numerical solutions resulting from the interactions of waves with diffused interfaces have never been precisely investigated and for good reasons, the results obtained are extremely dependent on the model used. Precisely, well-posed models, such as the model of Kapila et al. [1], present similar and important issues when such an interaction occurs, coming from the appearance of a wave-trapping phenomenon. To circumvent those issues, we propose to use a thermodynamically-consistent pressure-disequilibrium model [2] with finite, instead of infinite, pressure-relaxation rate to overcome the difficulties inherent in the computation of these interactions. Because the original method to solve this model only enables infinite relaxation, we propose a new numerical method allowing infinite as well as finite relaxation rates. Solutions of the new modelling are examined and compared to literature, in particular we propose the study of a shock on a water-air interface, but also for problems of helium-air and water-air shock tubes, spherical and non-spherical bubble collapses.
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Steady low Mach number flows: identification of the spurious mode and filtering method
Jonathan Jung, Vincent Perrier
Journal of Computational Physics, 2022, pp.111462. ⟨10.1016/⟩
The aim of this article is to thoroughly identify the spurious mode that jeopardizes the convergence of usual upwind numerical schemes for compressible flows when the Mach number goes to 0. We show that this spurious mode is the long time limit of a wave system whose properties and discretization depend on the scheme used for the compressible system. Once this spurious mode is identified, a filtering method is developed for removing it from the solution of stationary low Mach number compressible flow. Numerical results confirm that at the price of the computation of a long time solution of the wave system, the accuracy of an inaccurate solution of a low Mach number compressible flow can be greatly improved by this filtering method
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On low Mach number fixes for Roe-type schemes
Jonathan Jung, Vincent Perrier, Ibtissem Lannabi
Rencontres de la thermohydraulique numérique du CEA/STMF, Jun 2022, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France
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Relations between the low Mach number problem and the long time limit of the wave system
Jonathan Jung, Vincent Perrier
Rencontres de la thermohydraulique numérique du CEA/STMF, Jun 2022, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France
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Design And Analysis Of Task-based Parallelization Of A Discontinuous Galerkin Euler Flow Solver On Heterogeneous Architectures
Sangeeth Simon, Vincent Perrier, Jonathan Jung, Matthieu Haefele
ECCOMAS 2022 – 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2022, Oslo, Norway
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Discontinuous Galerkin method for the computation of axisymmetric flows
Anthony Bosco, Vincent Perrier, Jonathan Jung
ECCOMAS 2022 – 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2022, Oslo, Norway
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Derivation of models and numerical methods for homogenized multiphase flows based on stochastic ideas
Vincent Perrier
ECCOMAS 2022 – 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2022, Oslo, Norway
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Etude CFD de l’impact des conditions d’injection pour un stockage thermocline en eau
Alexis Ferré, Remi Manceau, Sylvain Serra, Jérôme Pouvreau, Arnaud Bruch
SFT 2022 – 30ème Congrès de la Société Française Thermique SFT, May 2022, Valenciennes, France. ⟨10.25855/T2022-046⟩
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Modeling and simulation of bubble dynamics in the diffuse-interface framework
Kevin Schmidmayer
Workshop on Cavitation, bubble dynamics and mass transfer, May 2022, Strasbourg, France
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A task-based parallelization of a finite volume code for hyperbolic conservation law
Sangeeth Simon, Vincent Perrier, Jonathan Jung, Matthieu Haefele
ParCFD 2022 – 33rd parallel CFD International conference, May 2022, Alba, Italy
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Discontinuous Galerkin method for the simulation of axisymmetric compressible flows
Anthony Bosco, Vincent Perrier
HONOM 2022 – European Workshop on High order nonlinear numerical methods for evolutionary PDEs: Theory and Applications, Apr 2022, Braga, Portugal
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Relations between the low Mach number problem and the long time limit of the wave system
Jonathan Jung, Vincent Perrier
HONOM 2022 – European Workshop on High order nonlinear numerical methods for evolutionary PDEs: Theory and Applications, Apr 2022, Braga, Portugal
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Stochastic derivation of models and numerical methods for multiphase compressible flows
Vincent Perrier
34ème Séminaire sur la mécanique des fluides numérique, Jan 2022, Paris, France
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Assessment of Reynolds-Stress models for aeronautical applications
Gustave Sporschill, Flavien Billard, Michel Mallet, Remi Manceau, Hervé Bézard
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2022, 96, ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2022.108955⟩
Three Reynolds-Stress Models (RSMs) have been benchmarked on industrial configurations with aeronautical applications. The models are first compared on a zero-pressure-gradient boundary layer, which highlights the differences in the near-wall approaches of the models. Results are then analyzed for the Skåre & Krogstad adverse-pressure-gradient boundary layer and the Common Research Model (CRM) aircraft for two Reynolds numbers. Both cases display improvements in using RSMs over the eddy-viscosity Spalart-Allmaras model. Two of the considered second-moment closures better predict the boundary layer growth and its shape factor in the Skåre & Krogstad test case, and all noticeably improve the drag-due-to-lift in the CRM case.
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An application of the scale-adapted simulation to the unsteady flow across a tube bundle
Mauro Grioni, Pascal Bruel, Sergio A Elaskar, Anibal E Mirasso
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2022, 96, pp.109007. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2022.109007⟩
In the last decades, one of the main objectives pursued in the field of computational fluid dynamics has been the development of turbulent flow models and simulations techniques capable of generating predictions of flow patterns accurate enough to many industrial applications in a reasonable wall-clock time and at an acceptable cost. Very often, a trade-off has to be sought between the engineer’s expectations regarding the accuracy of the model and the limited computational resources available. In that framework, the present contribution aims at demonstrating the capabilities of the SST-SAS approach which is considered as an intermediate model with respect to accuracy and computational requirements. To that end, the turbulent flow through a tube bundle was selected as test case. Preliminary sensitivity analyses were carried out to properly choose the residuals tolerance level, duration of the physical time integration, mesh size and time step value. The SST-SAS results are compared with available experimental data as well as with different simulations results taken from the literature. A quantitative scoring criterion was defined to sort out the different models results: the SST-SAS ranked first.
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Development and Validation of a new formulation of Hybrid Temporal Large Eddy Simulation
Vladimir Duffal, Benoît de Laage de Meux, Remi Manceau
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2022, 108, pp.42. ⟨10.1007/s10494-021-00264-z⟩
Hybrid RANS-LES approaches have aroused interest for years since they provide unsteady information at a reduced numerical cost compared to LES. In the hybrid context, the use of temporal filtering, to control the energy partition between resolved and modeled scales, ensures a consistent bridging between RANS and LES models. In this regard, a new formulation of Hybrid Temporal Large Eddy Simulation (HTLES) is developed, aiming at improving the theoretical foundation of the model associated with an eddy-viscosity closure. The analytical development is performed, applying the Hybrid-Equivalence criterion, and the model is calibrated in decaying isotropic turbulence. In addition, an upgraded version of the approach is proposed to improve the behavior of the model in near-wall regions, introducing a two-fold shielding function and an internal consistency constraint to provide a suitable control of the RANS-to-LES transition. Applying HTLES to the k-w-SST model, the validation process is carried out on channel and periodic-hill flows, over a range of grids and Reynolds numbers. The predictive accuracy and the robustness to grid coarsening are assessed in these cases, ensuring that HTLES offers a cost-saving alternative to LES.
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