
Supplementary material for the paper “A computational study of the effect of Clozapine-N-Oxide (CNO) on the retinal network”


1) Evolution of RFs when moving in the RF Map.

a) RF map and the pathway (dark dashed)

b) Movie of the RFs evolution.

Top left: Black: OPL input (OPL response to a full-field flash); Red: BCs response including ACs feedback; Blue: ACs response; Bottom left: RGCs response; Top right: Spatio-temporal RF; Bottom right: Power spectrum of the RGC RF. A peak in the power spectrum  is  a pole in the complex plane. τi gives the imaginary part of the pole and provides the damping characteristic time of the RF; τr is the real part and provides the period of oscillations in the RF (if any).

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