Sound Symbolic Execution via Abstract Interpretation and Its Application to Security

Symbolic execution is a program analysis technique commonly utilized to determine whether programs violate properties and, in case violations are found, to generate inputs that can trigger them. Used in the context of security properties such as noninterference, symbolic execution is precise when looking for counter-example pairs of traces when insecure information…

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Abstract Interpretation-Based Feature Importance for SVMs

In this talk, we will discuss a symbolic representation for support vector machines (SVMs) by means of abstract interpretation. We leverage this abstraction in two ways: (1) to enhance the interpretability of SVMs by deriving a novel feature importance measure called abstract feature importance (AFI), that does not depend in any way on a given dataset of…

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Towards verified inference in probabilistic programs

Probabilistic programming languages aim at designing and implementing algorithms that compute over probability distributions rather than states. They feature dedicated primitives for sampling and conditioning. Moreover, the evaluation of probabilistic programs relies on general purpose inference engines. In the last few years, several languages such as Pyro, Edward or Stan…

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Verifying Asynchronous JavaScript: a Backward Goal-Directed Approach

Asynchronous code is remarkably hard to get right, making it a common source of errors in TypeScript code. However, we would not be able to write TypeScript applications without it, because it enables long-running actions without freezing the current view. Developers usually rely on manual inspection to understand it, which is quite…

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Réduction exacte de modèles biochimiques de signalisation intercellulaire

Les voies de signalisation intracellulaire impliquent des cascades d’interaction entre protéines. Chaque cellule peut alors recevoir des signaux, les propager jusqu’à son noyau, puis les intégrer, ce qui, in fine, influe sur son comportement global. Les protéines s’associent entre elles  puis modifient la structure spatiale de leurs voisines, ce qui a…

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Tropical Abstraction of Biochemical Reaction Networks with Guarantees

Biochemical molecules interact through modification and binding reactions, giving raise to a combinatorial number of possible biochemical species. The time-dependent evolution of concentrations of the species is commonly described by a system of coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs). However, the analysis of such high-dimensional, non-linear system of equations is often…

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