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  • April 8th, 2015 :

Workshop “Theoretical and experimental study of granular media” a été organisé dans le cadre de collaboration Taiwan-France (INRIA). Le workshop a eu lieu à National Taiwan University, Dpt. of Mathematics. Intervenants : Keh-Ming Shyue, Chi-Yu Kuo, Fuling Yang (tous de National Taiwan University), Yih-Chin Tai (Tainan University) et Sergey Gavrilyuk (Aix-Marseille University).

  • April 15th, 2015 :

S. Gavrilyuk a fait un séminaire “New hyperbolic model of shear shallow water flows  and applications to roll waves and classical hydraulic jumps” à  Tainan University, Dpt. of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering.

  • August 22th, 2015 in Marseille IUSTI:

“Sheared Granular flow modeling” workshop with B. Nkonga, S. Gavriluik et K-M. Shyue

  • September 17th, 2015 :

Keh-Ming Shyue a fait un exposé à l’IUSTI  ”Thinc method”


  • Visit of Pr. Fu-ling Yan in  Marseille August 22  to  September 1st, 2015
  • Visit of Pr. Keh-Ming Shyue in Marseille August 22 to September 20th,  2015 – Inviter Professor of l’AMU


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