
On going Projects

  • Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
    • ANR ANNAPOLIS (2022-2026, 832 (238)k€, ACENTAURI, Inria (ACENTAURI, CHROMA), LS2N-ARMEN, Heudiasyc-SYRI), AutoNomous Navigation Among Personal mObiLty devIceS
    • ANR SAMURAI (2022-2027, 649(302)k€, ACENTAURI, LS2N-ARMEN, MIS), ShAreable Mapping using heterogeneoUs sensoRs for collAborative robotIcs

    • PEPR AgroEcology & Digital: NINSAR project (2022-27, 2.16M€, INRIA (ACENTAURI, CHROMA, RAINBOW), INRAE (ASTRO, COPAIN, PRT-PEE, ROMEA), CEA, CRISTAL, IBISC, IP, IRL, ISIR, LAAS, LS2N, XLIM, UniLASALLE), New ItiNerarieS for Agroecology using cooperative Robots
    • ANR Mobi-deep (2018-2023, 642 (166) k€, GREYC, INJA, Inria (Rainbow, Sophia), SED, SAFRAN, NAVOCAP), Technology-aided MOBIlity by semantic DEEP learning. Research topics: deep learning for UAV navigation
  • Social Robotics and Personal Assistance
    • Phd Grant (Cifre) (2016-2019, start-up Axyn). Research topics: Development of a mobile assistant robot for the elderly in EPHAD

    • ANR Mobi-deep (2018-2022, 642 (166)k€, GREYC, INJA, Inria (Rainbow, Sophia), SAGEM, SAFRAN), Technology-aided MOBIlity by semantic DEEP learning. Research topics: deep learning for blind guidance.

    • H2020 CROWDBOT project (2018-2021, 3998 (32)k€, INRIA (RAINBOW with us), EPFL, ETHZ, RWTH AACHEN, Softbank Robotics, college of London, Locomotec GMBH). Scientific topic: social navigation

  • TIRREX (2021-2029): Participation as contributor in Aerial and mobile robotics

Past Projects and Demonstrations

  • Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
    • Phd grant (Cifre, 2018-2021, Renault, Inria Chroma with us). Research topics: Emergency situations monitoring and control
    • ANR pLaTINUM (2015-2018, (156)k€, LITIS, LE2I, Inria (LAGADIC-Sophia), IGN), Cartographie Long Terme pour la Navigation Urbaine. Research topics: Mapping and update of urban map database including geometry, photometry, and semantic, Deep Learning
    • Phd Grant (Cifre) with Astrium 2012-2015. Research topic: Mapping and update of urban map database including geometry, photometry, and semantic, Deep Learning

    • ANR CityVIP 2012: Demonstration of Autonomous Driving in Urban Environment (Mapping, Localization, Autonomous Navigation). Demonstrator: Cycab

    • ANR-TSFA CityVIP (2008-2010, 1417k€, 3 years, LASMEA, IGN, Inria (LAGADIC, AROBAS), HEUDIASYC, XLIM, IFSTTAR). Research topics: Visual Mapping, Visual Localization, Autonomous navigation

    • ANR VISIOLAND (2013-2017, 985(266)k€, ONERA, AIRBUS, Inria LAGADIC, LS2N, Spikenet Technology). Research topics: autonomous landing by visual servoing

    • TRICHOBIO (2018-2021, Bioline Agrosciences, Financement UCA Partenariat, INRA, Inria Sophia). Research topics : UAV/AGV collaboration in agricultural mapping applications and trichogramma spreading in eco-agriculture

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